In this clip taken from the discourse titled, "Catch the Thread of Existence" Nithyananda talks about the basis behind Hamsa Mantra and the deep inner transformation this mantra brings about in all of us.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Hamsa Mantra Sutra
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Meditate on Consciousness
Knowing God Vs. Knowing About God
Nithyananda talks about surrender. Drop everything and surrender. He says whatever knowledge about God can create more bondage because you will not know God, you will know about God. Knowing about God is not knowing God. This clip is taken from discourse titled "Drop Everything and Surrender - Bhagavad Gita 18".
Enlightenment is a Fact and Truth
One group says there is enlightenment and the other group says there is no such thing as enlightenment. But both of them are leading to same reality. One is saying the truth and the other is saying the fact. Both lead to look into you. This clip is taken from discourse titled "Ashtavakra Gita -- Enlightenment Guaranteed"
Enlightenment Is A Gift From Divine
Understand What Is You And What Is Not You
Nithyananda talks about the nature of the body and mind. He says it is like knowing the vehicle and the owner. Secret to bring the body and mind in control is to understand what is you and what is not you. This clip is taken from discourse titled "Eat Before You are Eaten - Bhagavad Gita 13".
Category: Bhagavad Gita, Body, Decision Making, Gayatri Mantra, Instinct, Intellect, Length: 05-10mins, Mind
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Your Consciousness is God
Nithyananda says that God plus body and mind is man; Man minus body and mind is God. We are consciousness. He shares a wonderful story of Lion Sheep story and relates it with how a man takes birth then start seeking and finally achieve or realize the consciousness. This clip is taken from discourse titled "Eat Before You are Eaten - Bhagavad Gita 13". Story is concluded in this post.
Category: Bhagavad Gita, God, Guru / Master, Knowledge, Length: 10-15mins, Moksha / Liberation
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Explode In All Directions
Nithyananda says whether it is a materialistic activity or a spiritual activity, as long as we have a goal, we can never relax, we will only be struggling. Person who surrenders to the flow of life experiences and enjoys both the inner space and outer space at the same time. If we don't choose between materialistic life and spiritual life we fall into our Being and explode in all the 360 degrees. This clip is taken from discourse titled "Drop Everything and Surrender"- Bhagavad Gita 18".
Real Surrender Includes Everything
Nithyananda says in real surrender you don't exclude anything but you include everything. You experience the Whole and explode in all directions. In real surrender you experience the horizontal line of materialistic world and vertical line of spiritual world and also something more. You will experience different dimensions of your own being. You don't even have to surrender to a god or a Guru, you just have to surrender to your own consciousness. This clip is taken from discourse titled "Drop Everything and Surrender"- Bhagavad Gita 18".
Idea About I And Mine
Nithyananda says, whatever we catch as "I" such as the body, mind or the senses has no base. Whenever we catch something as I, we don't allow it to grow. If we think we are the body, we don't allow it to rejuvenate, if we think we are the mind, we don't allow it to grow. Similarly whatever we think as mine is just based on the laws of society, it is not related to the laws of existence. This clip is taken from discourse titled "Drop Everything and Surrender"- Bhagavad Gita 18".
Enlightenment Within You
Nithyananda talks about the stages of seeking. He relates it with a simple story title 'lion-sheep'. He explains how this story is very similar to the life story of a seeker. He says if you are attracted to Enlightened person it means you already have enlightenment within you. If you are matured in that level you will be attracted to the Enlighten persons' teaching. This clip is taken from discourse titled "Eat Before You are Eaten - Bhagavad Gita 13". Earlier portion of the story is in this post.
Initiation - Deeper Truths
Monday, November 19, 2007
I And Mine Are Pure Lies
Nithyananda says, whatever we are holding as I and Mine is a pure lie and in reality it doesn't exist. The moment we understand this we Surrender. Whatever we think as Mine may be legally true, but existentially it is not. Person who is intelligent will be able to understand this truth and open his eyes, and realize that what we think as I and Mine has really no foundation. This clip is taken from discourse titled "Drop Everything and Surrender- Bhagavad Gita 18".
The State of Being
When we are in tune with our being, we will be able to continuously stay in the bliss space which is called nitya ananda - the eternal bliss. This is called the state of being. The quality of our being decides whether we are going to do good or bad to the society. Let the service we do be the outcome of bliss and joy. The mood with which we do the activities is heaven or hell. The heaven or hell is not geographical, it's psychological. This clip is taken from the discourse titled "Yoga for Being".
Act from your Being
The aim of the yoga is reaching the level of the being. Being is beyond mind. It is above our intellect. There are five parts of the being according to Upanishads. First the physical body, second the pranic body, third the inner chattering or the manomaya, the fourth the deep sleep state or vinyanamaya, the fifth is anandamaya. It is not the outer space which decides, it is the inner space which decides the bliss. We should act from our being which will lead to bliss. This clip is taken from the discourse titled "Yoga for Being".
Category: Anandamaya Kosha, Atman / Being, Kosha / Sheath, Length: 05-10mins, Logic, Meditation, Mind, Vacations, Worrying, Yoga
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The Ecstasy of Being
We try to acquire continuously. We run behind having and not enjoying. The persons who are centered in the level of I are centered in the level of doing. The persons who are centered in the level of having are centered in the level of mine. We try to expand our boundary continuously. This is due to a deep insecurity feeling. We don't prepare ourselves consciously for life and death. Unless we reach the level of being we'll not be able to experience what is really life. By not entering in to the space of being we miss the ecstasy of being. This clip is taken from the discourse titled "Yoga for Being".
Three Levels of Surrender
In this clip taken from discourse titled "Drop Everything and Surrender"- Bhagavad Gita 18", Nithyananda says there are three levels of Surrender. First level is Intellectual Surrender, second level is Emotional Surrender and the third level is surrendering one's Senses. Trusting Master's intellect as much more superior and sharper than one's own intellect is Intellectual Surrender, which is very easy to achieve. Trusting Master's emotions or the way in which he guides, as much superior to ours is emotional surrender. This happens when we are able to connect deeply with the Master. Third level is surrendering the senses or the very root of cognition itself. Our senses tell us that we are the Body and Mind, but the Master says that we are God. Unless we surrender our senses to the Master, we won't be able to experience his statement that "We are God".
Surrender Your Senses
In this clip taken from "Drop Everything and Surrender"- Bhagavad Gita 18", Nithyananda talks in depth surrendering the senses. He explains in the inner world the first and last tool which we need is complete surrender, only then we can wake-up to the truth. He explains further as long as we believe in the senses, we will think we are body and mind. When we believe the Master, we realize that we are Divine.
In Surrender You Gain Everything
In this clip taken from discourse titled "Drop Everything and Surrender"- Bhagavad Gita 18", Nithyananda says, only when we understand all three levels of Surrender namely Intellectual Surrender, Emotional Surrender and surrendering one's Senses, we can really have the ultimate experience of total surrender. Enlightenment and Surrender are not two different things, the moment we achieve total surrender enlightenment happens. In actuality there is nothing to surrender. All we have to do is to surrender our body which is filled with diseases and the mind which is always depressed. If we surrender our body and mind, and give up our I and Mine, existence gives us his body and mind. In surrender we have nothing to lose but everything to gain.
Freedom From Body and Mind
In this clip taken from discourse titled "Eat Before You are Eaten - Bhagavad Gita 13", Nithyananda says, the moment you understand you are much powerful than body and mind, you are immediately liberated from body and mind. The word slavery can be used only if anything goes against your will. Once you understand you are not body and mind, nothing can enslave you. You will disappear into the divine. Once you understand the body and mind you will go beyond physical and psychological slavery.
Category: Bhagavad Gita, Body, Diogenes of Sinope, Freedom, Length: 10-15mins, Mind, Slavery
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Enrich Your Inner Space
We always think that the bliss is dependent on outer life and try to make it perfect. But it is based on the inner quality. We sell the inner space to have the outer space. Meditation is the technique to create enough of richness and quality in our inner space. This clip is taken from the discourse titled "Yoga for mind".
The courage to experiment with the truth
In this clip taken from the discourse titled "Yoga for Being", Nithyananda says, Enlightenment doesn't mean that you become extraordinary. Having some super natural powers is not enlightenment. Some powers may be expressed through enlightened person. But this is not a criteria. Enlightenment is deep feeling which happens inside your being, when you're in tune with your being. To reach the being level we need the courage to experiment with the truth.
You create what you want to have
In this clip taken from discourse titled "Look In - Bhagavad-Gita 6", Nithyananda says our thoughts and mind create our senses. We are not living with what we have. We create what we want to have. Our thoughts can change the whole body. It is our thoughts which create the body. If the mind is controlled to look in towards bliss our whole senses can be changed.
Experiment or Experience
Embrace The Divine And Be Transformed
In this clip taken from discourse titled "Sincerity -- The straight way to liberation"- Bhagavad Gita 17, Nithyananda describes how an individual can experience Universal Consciousness. He also talks about what happens once an individual experiences Universal Consciousness and what he must do to derive the maximum benefit from that experience.
Ego v/s Enlightenment
In this clip taken from discourse titled "Sincerity -- The straight way to liberation"- Bhagavad Gita 17, Nithyananda points out the difference between an enlightened master and an egoistic person. An egoistic man can only make claims and possibly intimidate his followers into submission but he can never give his followers the experience that one can receive only from an enlightened being.
Aspire For The State, Not The Status
In this clip taken from the discourse titled "Secret of Secrets"- Bhagavad Gita 9, Nithyananda explains that Krishna is giving the Ultimate Secret. Once you know this secret, there is no difference between you and the Divine. Disciples often try to achieve the status of the Master instead of the state. State is different from status. The state is to be aspired for, not the status. If you only see the status, you will always get caught in jealousy. The state of the Master should be a source of inspiration. If you only try to achieve the status, the state will never be achieved. It's like chasing a shadow; you try to grab it but you can't. But if you walk the path of the state, status will simply follow you.
Category: Anecdote, Bhagavad Gita, Jealousy, Knowledge, Length: 05-10mins, Status v/s State
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Keys To The Spiritual Path
In this clip taken from the discourse titled "Secret of Secrets"- Bhagavad Gita 9, Nithyananda explains that because Arjuna is not jealous of Krishna, he proves that he has the maturity for Krishna to share the Ultimate Secret. This knowledge is the secret education, because it gives the direct knowledge of realization that is everlasting. A religion or spiritual path should be characterized by 3 important qualities: It should describe the goal of life. Secondly, it should give the clear path to achieve the goal. And lastly it should give you the joy to follow the path. The biggest secret is that it should be joyfully performed!
Why Spiritual Knowledge Is Kept Secret
In this clip taken from the discourse titled "Secret of Secrets"- Bhagavad Gita 9, Nithyananda explains that spiritual knowledge is not for everyone. It can be harmful to a person who receives it if he is not spiritually mature. If you tell a criminal that he is God, he will misuse this knowledge to justify his immoral actions. Krishna declares that He is God. This is a secret because it cannot be delivered to a person who is not yet mature. God cannot be given as instant coffee. You can't just have God instantly. A maturation process is necessary. Actually the more you hurry this process, the greater the delay. The very hurrying will postpone the experience. It will not let you relax.
Category: Bhagavad Gita, Knowledge, Length: 05-10mins, Patience, Qualification, Upanishad
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Lift yourself by your self
In this clip taken from discourse titled "Look In - Bhagavad-Gita 6", Nithyananda says - When we practice anything we tend to fall. When we start working inside our system, our system will resist. If we allow the resistance to grow it is our enemy. The best way is "lift self by your self". If you have failed in practicing the teaching, mediations etc., don't have guilt and be depressed. Try again and again lift your self.
Bliss Is Choiceless
In this clip taken from discourse titled "Yoga for Mind", Nithyananda says - All our choice always ends is dilemma which is called mind. Continuously not accepting the present moment is the root of the mind. When we accept the reality we will go beyond mind and experience the state of enlightenment. Whenever we choose, we always choose misery. Bliss is choicelessness.
The Universe is Intelligence
In this clip taken from the discourse titled "Secret of Secrets"- Bhagavad Gita 9", Nithyananda explains that the whole universe is pure intelligence. It can respond to your thoughts. The moment you understand that you are taken care of by an intelligent universe, you can relax completely. This one understanding, when it penetrates your Being, is enough. You will no longer feel insecure or concerned by any issues. You will experience a deep peace and have the confidence to live fully. You will know that you are a part of this cosmic intelligence and will live blissfully.
Everything is Energy
In this clip is taken from the discourse titled "Secret of Secrets"- Bhagavad Gita 9", Nithyananda explains that when you understand everything is Energy, fear will be taken away from your Being. Energy takes many forms: earth, fire, water, air and akasha (ether/space). We can see the effects and manifestations of pollution of the first four but we cannot see it for akasha. For example, we see the effects of water in the New Orleans floods. The akasha is disturbed by our collective negativity. Countries that suffer from depression are an effect of collective negative energy in the akasha. If the akasha is polluted, the whole world is affected. Space is energy. Space is not just emptiness, it is energy.
Category: Akasha / Space, Bhagavad Gita, Energy, Fear, Five Elements, Length: 05-10mins, Negativity
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We Create Our Universe
In this clip is taken from the discourse titled "Secret of Secrets"- Bhagavad Gita 9, Nithyananda explains that we shouldn't think that we can think what we want in our inner life and not see it manifests in the outer life. They are one and the same. The outer is an expression of the inner. We create our whole Existence through our thoughts. We attract like-minded individuals as friends and colleagues. When we become spiritual, we can no longer relate to those who think more materialistically. You create the universe from the angle of your vision. You project your world and see it through the slide or filter of your mentality. If your thought changes, the whole universe changes You have the power to create miracles in your life.
Add Knowledge to Your Inner Space
In this clip taken from the discourse titled "Secret of Secrets"- Bhagavad Gita 9, Nithyananda explains that in our houses we are completely prepared for anything we need in our lives. Food, clothes, bed etc. We collect and store everything we need for our outer comforts. But we forget an important fact that in the same way we collect things for our outer world existence, we need to also collect knowledge for our inner space. We need to find life solutions. If we feel low, depressed, how to solve it? We need life solutions for a happy, blissful life. If we don't keep constantly adding solutions, we will be constantly creating problems!
The Power of Coincidence
In this clip taken from the discourse titled "Secret of Secrets"- Bhagavad Gita 9, Nithyananda explains that the very quality of your Inner Space can create miracles in your life. The power to create miracles is what is called the 'power of coincidence'. We just have to open and trust that our Consciousness is connected to the universe, that the Divine is continually caring for us. Just as you create your world in the dream state, you have the power to create your world in the waking state. When you reside in Universal Consciousness, you attract the power of coincidence.
Should Knowledge Be Free?
In this clip taken from the discourse titled "Secret of Secrets"- Bhagavad Gita 9, Nithyananda explains that in the Indian system, great respect is given to knowledge. In the East, there is no economic commitment required for education. In fact, often, food and accommodation are provided free for students, for those seeking spiritual knowledge, but you must commit psychologically. In the West, the opposite is true. An economic commitment is a prerequisite, but no psychological commitment is invested. That is why education in the East goes to the right person, to someone who is deeply interested, and the quality of the education of that person is assured.
Hamsa Mantra - The Core of Buddhist Tradition
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Bliss is Your Consciousness
In this video clip taken from discourse titled "Secret of Secrets"- Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9, Nithyananda explains that Bliss is not just a mood, it is your very Consciousness, your Being. The blissful mood will come and go. If it comes and goes, you are having initial glimpses of bliss. Once you experience the real bliss, it is eternal, everlasting. As long as you believe the world is matter you will be creating more violence, only a person who understands the whole thing is energy and intelligence, you can truly relax.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Power of Wisdom (4 Videos)
Wisdom is often thought of as that meant for the aged. All types of miseries happen only because wisdom has not happened at the right age. Wisdom is the first thing that needs to be imparted to a child by society. Then, automatically, the child becomes equipped to handle anything in life. Even if misery happens, it will be out of a deep understanding and not out of deep ignorance. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, a Master of this millennium talks on the Jain Sutras which is pure wisdom, transcending time and age.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
The Ultimate Secret
In this video, taken from discourse titled "Secret of Secrets", Nithyananda explains that when you have a deep psychological commitment, you will experience. It is the purest knowledge because it gives you the direct realization: Perception of the Self. The ultimate goal is Enlightenment. When we have a glimpse of this state, after a while we come down from the state. What can we do to attain the everlasting state that is Enlightenment? Krishna answers this: Open your whole Being. Just understand this Ultimate Secret: Gyana Yagna: adding understanding to your Being, to your Inner Space; then you experience the formless Energy. Even though there are so many forms, there is only one Energy. Here he is talking about Quantum Spirituality. Whatever exists is Energy.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Power of Discrimination (4 Videos)
To live life in totality, the power of discrimination will do. To handle inner world or outer world issues, the power of discrimination is the doctrine of the intelligent one. Paramahamsa Nithyananda while delivering pearls from the Jain sutras, instills into one the power of discrimination to handle practical life in the modern day world. He brings to life the sacred knowledge imparted through these ancient works and delivers it in his own peerless style.
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Part 3 :
Part 4 :
Friday, November 9, 2007
The Awakening (4 Videos)
All great scriptures share the same motive -- to awaken man to his true nature; to awaken him to the divinity within; to awaken him to the inner bliss that is trying to express every minute. Jain sutras are yet another scriptural extravaganza that have been delivered for this purpose. Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who is on a mission to re-establish the science of inner bliss on planet Earth, brings these sutras to the modern day man with a stirring current that jolts one out of the mire of delusion into the purity of one's true nature.
Part 1 :
Part 2 :
Part 3 :
Part 4 :